Hello again from your favourite DIY queeeeeen! It’s me, Micol, and today I am here to give you even more crazy, fun, and totally do-able DIY ideas of how you can transform your boring pieces of furniture and make them beautiful signature pieces in your home!

This time we are concentrating on your bed and headboard! I will show you how to take a simple IKEA bed and make it super high-fashion. This will definitely make your bedroom your favourite place in your home, so get ready, it’s gonna be good!!

The inspiration!

Let’s get a list of things you need:

And now we can get into the fun: redesigning your bed!

  1. If your bed is already assembled, take it apart - if you’ve not put it up yet, you’re the lucky one: you can skip this bit!
  2. Now take every panel of the bed that is facing outwards and grab some foam! Stick the foam to the front of the panel and leave the sides, but remember! Do NOT stick foam or fabric over any hole that you need when putting the bed back together - trust me, do NOT make that mistake,; it will add sooo much time to your project if you do!

3. It’s time to do the same with the fabric! The only difference here is that you want to wrap the fabric around the edges and sides so it looks neat and tidy!

4. When you’ve done that, put the whole bed back together! It’s gonna start getting so exciting for you at this point because you’re gonna see all your hard work pay off, and I am SO excited for you guys!

5. It’s headboard time, baby!! This bit is going to be INSANE! You need to cut out the headboard into a semi-circle. Because I am EXTRA I wanted mine to be a little bigger, so I added some wood I had on hand, but you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!

6. Cover the whole headboard in foam just like with the panels of the bed!

7. Grab your pool noodles and line them up with the edge of the headboard. Then draw around the edges so you’ll know where to staple later.

8. Staple on the fabric, but staple along the lines you drew with the pool noodles - this is gonna give such a cute look later!

9. Tape two pool noodles together and then line them up with the lines you drew. Now, use the fabric to wrap around it and staple it on the other side so it gives a really cool outline of your headboard!

And that’s it! You’ve transformed your bed to be the incredible centerpiece of your room. I am OBSESSED with mine, I hope you are, too!

Full video here:

For all of the plans for my designs, check out my Patreon!

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