Plexiglass Curvy Table DIY (version 1)!

Soooo, I might have a little obsession with pllexglass right now… have you noticed?! I just can’t believe how versatile it is, and when I found out I could cut and bend it at home… it was ALL over! Everything will be made from plexiglass!

This project is so exciting because it looks SO funky and it’s insanely cheap! I’m gonna show you exactly how to make a curvy plexiglass table with nothing but your hands… and a jigsaw!

What do you need?

  • Plexiglass… duh!
  • A Jigsaw

Wanna know how to do it? Let’s go!

1. First things first, prepare your plexiglass. And by that, I mean, remove the back stickers!

2. As with all projects, you’re gonna need to use just a liiiiittle bit of maths, but only a little! Grab one piece that will be a leg and then use a measuring tape to find the middle and quarter marks. Draw vertical lines down the length of the plexiglass to mark this.

3. So, we need two curves on the bottom edge, and three curves on the top (it doesn’t matter how big or small you choose to make your table, it should still have this many). To make sure what we draw and cut is even, draw a line across the middle of the plexiglass.

4. Now you can draw very tight arches that go from the bottom to the centre to mark out where to cut.

5. As the plexiglass is transparent, you can trace over the original one when making the marks for the second one!

6. Remember, there is no curve in the middle of the bottom edge – here you will just cut a slit as this is where the table will fit together.

7. One thing I learnt while doing this is that plexiglass does NOT like the vibrations of the jigsaw. SO, when you cut it, make sure to keep one hand firmly on the plexiglass to keep it steady.

8. Once all cut out, put it together to make sure it fits properly!

9. All that is left to do is cut the table top! To do this, find the centre point of your plexiglass, then tie some string to a pen and seloptape the other end of the string to the centre point. Now you can make the perfect circle as if you were using a compass!

10. The final stage is to cut it out and place it on the legs!

Congratulations, you’ve built a table! From scratch… With nothing but plexiglass… You are soo talented! I hope you love it!

full video tutorial here:

For all of the plans for my designs, check out my Patreon!

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